Dibencozide Magnum™

- a product with strong anabolic activity. Applied during the stage of mass building and developing muscle strength. Its activity starts usually after a few days of application. Nonsteroid metabolic factor functions as a biostymulator in the process of protein synthesis in ribosomes. It takes part in synthesis of methionine out of homocysteine and thymidine synthesis. It appears as an element carring hydrogen atoms during nucleic acids synthesis and transmethylation reactions.
Dibencozide Magnum™ is undetectable in blood plasma after 10 hours from application. In case of susceptible people, human organism is stimulated resulting in the acceleration of muscle tissue development. Product is also recommeneded for those who do not train systematically but want to improve their figure.
Dibencozide Magnum™ accelerates appetite among those people with underweight.

1 capsule contains:

- Dibencozide (5-deoxy-5-adenosinecobalamin) 1000 mcg